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Digitizing Services

    We provide in-house digitizing, eliminating the middle-man, thereby keeping your costs to a minimum.  We use sophisticated software and artistry based on years of hand embroidery, to digitize the design.  We digitize the design by reproducing it in a stitch format one stitch at a time.  It is a truly amazing process!

What is Digitizing?

    Digitizing is the art of adding stitching to your logo or picture.  Digitizing is what tells the embroidery machine what stitches to place where.  If you provide us with a clean, clear Artwork to work with we can turn this image into a embroidery design you can use over and over.

What is artwork?

Business card, letter head, digital art files (.dxf, .ai, .cdr, .bmp, .tif, .gif .jpg or .pcx)

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Last modified: September 15, 2000